Where simplicity meets functionality.

"Sell Yourself
Sell Your Company
Sell Your Product."

Who is actually started out as a door to door fresh baked cinnamon roll and Christmas cookie delivery company. This cookie company is still in the works! However, Nate’s wife graciously let him take over (for the time:). Nate Thomas is Cinnesota Web Design.

Nate has been designing web sites for local businesses, such as yours, for the past 2 years.  Before that he owned and operated “Pete’s Place @ Dakin Dairy.” Before that he owned and operated Etan Services. Nate’s passion is business development, and developing the art of business. One of the first questions he will ask you is “WHY” do people do business with your company? Yes, we know you sell “xyz widgets”…anyone can sell “xyz widgets” but WHY your company vs other companies that may even do it cheaper than you? What is your WHY?

Does Cinnesota have a portfolio?


Our client list contains many home service businesses such as:

See, we weren't joking about the cinnamon rolls.

What is this going to cost?


We’re open to trades too, call us let’s talk.

In general our pricing is as follows:

Basic Site: $1250

Per Hour Pricing: $50

Annual subscriptions: ~$300

Custom emails: $150/year

Site built by another company: $750

Payment terms: 50/50

Google Business Profile: $300

We know we aren’t the cheapest. We are the best. Quality begets quality. Money begets money. If this statement makes no sense to you, we are more than likely a poor fit for your company. However, if this statement resonates with you, consider Cinnesota Web Design today.

  • Basic Site: $1250 – A site similar to our client list and like (if you don’t like these sites…that’s ok, give us a call lets talk).
  • Per Hour Pricing: $50 (simply the cost to have a great web person on call, 1hr minimum always.)
  • Annual subscriptions: ~$300 (this is the pricing for Go-Daddy hosting, WordPress annual subscriptions, and any other yearly subscriptions that may be unique to your site, document uploading, document e-signing, the possibilities are endless. Pay by the month is terrible for accounting. As a company we strive to have all recurring payments on a yearly basis. There are stipulations to the cost too. Example, you are dead set on a specific URL that costs $5000. Yes, you can purchase it, but your company will be paying that expense, not Cinnesota. Most URL’s cost between $10-$100.
  • Custom emails: $150/year (hosted through Google Admin console, charged with annual subscriptions, we line itemized emails to show these custom domain specific emails do actually have a cost associated with them.)

Note: on the reoccurring annual subscriptions, Cinnesota can also use your company card to subscribe to these services for your site, this all depends on your company.

  • Site built by another company: $750 (If Cinnesota is going to take over a site that has been built by another firm this is simply the cost of hiring the best…second. If you take your car to the mechanic, in pieces, after you watched a YouTube video on how to replace head-gaskets, they’re either going to turn you away or charge you a boat load more than if you had simply come to them first…same concept here. There’s a learning curve to every firm’s design process, and that’s what your company is paying for.)
  • Payment Terms: 50/50 (50% of your project total upfront, 50% upon delivery. Typically a site takes 7 days, there’s always kinks and silliness that happens. We design on desktops & sometimes mobile functionality is precarious. We always strive to work these out before delivery, links work, phone works, QR codes direct properly, Etc.)
  • Google Business Profile Setup: $300 (Google Business Profile set up is an extra expense of $300 as it is quite time consuming to officially be listed on Google, as a business, and will require a key stakeholder in the company to assist. The Google business profile, if it is already set up, and running, we can work on adding to your positive 5 star reviews through some fun follow up for your customers.)

Does Cinnesota use AI?

Of course!

Cinnesota uses ChatGPT AI for wording and help with fun background images, this content you’re reading has actually run through Chat to make it better, the content didn’t…

come out any better so you’re reading my (Nate’s) original work because sometimes AI just isn’t as good as it claims. If you would like Cinnesota to not use AI please be specific in our first interview, however, know that the design process will take longer and cost you more money. 

Does Cinnesota produce QR codes? qr code

Cinnesota, upon request, can make specific QR codes for any URL on your site. We can also make QR codes that directly dial your office when someone scans it, it’s pretty cool tech. QR code analytics are carried out through Google Analytics based on specific URL’s we are directing your traffic. That one is for “”

Additionally, Cinnesota can create QR codes for each unique item, or we can create QR codes for a more fun in-store augmented reality dynamic shopping experience.

Real life example: Say you have a very expensive product that people could purchase a cheap alternative, you could have a little sign with that product that says “Why is this so much more than the competition?” You could then have a QR code that leads directly to a video hosted on your site where you can explain to your customer WHY this is the best product in the world and why only your shop carries it. We have actually done this, in real life, this isn’t just an idea, it works to capture those higher ticket item sales. When value exceeds cost people buy.

Currently, Cinnesota does not make the code it self “custom” like the one you see on cereal boxes. This is a quick and functional code.

What about E-Commerce sites?

That’s all great Nate, but we’re not a service based company. We have products to sell on our site, what about us? This is a whole different type of website and the costs associated with hosting multiple products and adding them to the site and Google Shopping pages is simply…

not easy, it’s do-able and many companies do it every day. There are then monthly costs associated with running credit card transactions through your site, hosting multiple products (which is a specific number of items before you hit the next pay tier). We bill monthly for this service, Cinnesota uses Shopify for our E-Commerce platform, and most potential customers have an account that makes checking out a breeze, money in is GOOD! You can check out our client to get the idea.

The captain didn’t really have any products to sell but he knows that he will want to add shirts and even custom fish orders to his site. The customize-ability of Shopify is not as robust as you get with a WordPress site. You get what you get and don’t throw a fit with Shopify, but we can get creative with layouts links QR codes etc.

Additionally, We can also go through your current square inventory and help add cohesiveness to your site, charged by the hours. Check out for a good example of a square site that we manage and have spruced up.

Now, you're ready to get this show on the road!

Cinnesota Web Form

Cinnesota Web Form

Let's get to know each other.

Please type "no" if you don't.
How well is your site converting? 1 conversion a day, 50 a day, 100+? 100+ may mean you have the wrong action marked as a conversion. (a home page load is NOT a conversion)
Don't fool yourself any other way.
Seriously, Cinnesota only services one electrician, pizza place, plumber, lawn company, Attorney etc. in an area. We are exclusive to our clients, in their operating areas.